AstroPhotography by Bashar Dahabra
(Monday, October 30, 2017)
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Bashar Dahabra was born in Jordan. He studied in Scotland where he graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. For some time, he worked for IBM in the Middle East as country manager for Jordan and Iraq. He then created a series of films, the first one in 1998 became Info2Cell, a platform and content provider for cellular telecommunications. He is now living in Canada after being active all over the Middle East. He joined the Montreal Camera Club in October 2016. Astrophotography: Bashar will explain how to do astrophotography. The first step is how to find objects in the sky. How to plan the shoot, especially what equipment to use and even what clothing would be appropriate. He will also suggest what apps could prove useful and what post-processing to use. Examples of his work will complement the explanations. |