What's New and Updated - 2016-2017
MCC New 4K Equipment:
As mentioned in our President’s welcome message, we have upgraded the MCC’s projector, screen and TV monitor to 4K as well as a new laptop to match these new upgrades.
New Submission Sizing:
Digital images should be submitted with a maximum width of 3840 pixels and a maximum height of 2160. Given the larger file size, you may have to submit your images in separate emails in order to not exceed 10 Mb per email.
MCC Cameragram Publications:
We will be publishing a single print edition containing information for the entire season’s Program. This booklet will be mailed to all members before the first meeting of the season. A summer edition will be published in digital format only, available for viewing on the Website, containing the annual financial report (not found in the “public” version) as well as all of the winning photos and trophy winners for the year.
Nature Division - Ellie McCrea and Ilana Block:
Several changes have been made to the rules for the Nature competitions. In particular, the “Action” category has been removed, and “Ornithology” (birds) added. Please check the website for more details.
Print Division – Pam Fogarty:
With the increase of participation in the Print Division we have decided to make some changes in how the submissions will be done. You will be able to submit only 3 prints per competition and only 2 prints in Theme. Please note that you will be only be able to submit a maximum of 10 prints in colour or monochrome; creative prints are a sub-category of these. Please take a look at the trophies as their requirements may have changed
File Naming Rules (Quick Reference Guide):
We have updated the Quick Reference Guides reflecting the Nature, Print and Sizing revisions. You will find your Guides under the Membership/Competitions/File Naming Rules.
Competitions in General - The Competition Chairs:
Please note that only paid-up members are eligible to compete. To submit your work for the first Pictorial Competition, please mail in your membershipform and cheque if you are unable to attend the first meeting on September 12, 2016. Submissions for the first Pictorial Competition are due on that date. The mailing address is given on the form.
Website Members Section Password:
The new password for the members’ section of the MCC website will be provided via email during the week after our first meeting on September 12th, 2016. Check your inbox!
As mentioned in our President’s welcome message, we have upgraded the MCC’s projector, screen and TV monitor to 4K as well as a new laptop to match these new upgrades.
New Submission Sizing:
Digital images should be submitted with a maximum width of 3840 pixels and a maximum height of 2160. Given the larger file size, you may have to submit your images in separate emails in order to not exceed 10 Mb per email.
MCC Cameragram Publications:
We will be publishing a single print edition containing information for the entire season’s Program. This booklet will be mailed to all members before the first meeting of the season. A summer edition will be published in digital format only, available for viewing on the Website, containing the annual financial report (not found in the “public” version) as well as all of the winning photos and trophy winners for the year.
Nature Division - Ellie McCrea and Ilana Block:
Several changes have been made to the rules for the Nature competitions. In particular, the “Action” category has been removed, and “Ornithology” (birds) added. Please check the website for more details.
Print Division – Pam Fogarty:
With the increase of participation in the Print Division we have decided to make some changes in how the submissions will be done. You will be able to submit only 3 prints per competition and only 2 prints in Theme. Please note that you will be only be able to submit a maximum of 10 prints in colour or monochrome; creative prints are a sub-category of these. Please take a look at the trophies as their requirements may have changed
File Naming Rules (Quick Reference Guide):
We have updated the Quick Reference Guides reflecting the Nature, Print and Sizing revisions. You will find your Guides under the Membership/Competitions/File Naming Rules.
Competitions in General - The Competition Chairs:
Please note that only paid-up members are eligible to compete. To submit your work for the first Pictorial Competition, please mail in your membershipform and cheque if you are unable to attend the first meeting on September 12, 2016. Submissions for the first Pictorial Competition are due on that date. The mailing address is given on the form.
Website Members Section Password:
The new password for the members’ section of the MCC website will be provided via email during the week after our first meeting on September 12th, 2016. Check your inbox!