(Revised September, 2019)
All members, from beginners to more experienced photographers are encouraged to enter Nature competitions. Participation in this category is an excellent way to expand your knowledge of the natural environment.
What qualifies as a Nature division image? Nature images are restricted to all things that are WILD, as generally defined in the P.S.A. or C.A.P.A. regulations. (Certain Artistic or creative representations of nature may be more suitable for entry in the Pictorial division.)
What qualifies as a Nature division image? Nature images are restricted to all things that are WILD, as generally defined in the P.S.A. or C.A.P.A. regulations. (Certain Artistic or creative representations of nature may be more suitable for entry in the Pictorial division.)
Examples below are of acceptable images in each of the four categories emphasizing nature value
- Botany – plants, trees, flowers, fungi, and lichen
- General – Specific aspects of landscapes (e.g. wetlands), seascapes (e.g. tidal pools), rocks (e.g. basalt formations), fossils, stars and planets
- Ornithology – birds in their natural habitat
- Zoology – mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and insects in their natural environment
The Division Chair shall pre-screen all entries for conformity to file-naming rules, and category.
The criteria for eligibility of an image to compete in the Nature division shall be decided by a consensus of the judges on judging night. A photographer whose image(s) are disqualified will be allowed to enter a “catch up” of the disqualified image(s) in a subsequent competition up to a maximum of 3 times per competition year.
MCC does not support baiting/feeding birds or animals and will not accept any images of baited subjects. Competition entries in which the subjects appear to have been baited should be accompanied by a note affirming that no baiting by the photographer (or by others) occurred.
It is very important in the Nature category to correctly identify the subject for educational purposes.
Titles should identify the subject by its common name or its species name:
For example:
NOTE: Any Human Element, "hand of man" shall disqualify the image. For example: roads, houses, fences, electrical wires people , mowed grass, tool-cut wood should not be present, and the image will be disqualified.
Exceptions: Pelicans on pilings and banded birds are acceptable. Photographs of wildlife in zoos are permitted, but should not show human intervention such as the cage bars, walls, zoo straw or cut grass, etc.
Photographs depicting cultivated plants (Tulips, Daffodils, etc.), still life studies, domestic animals, mounted specimens and museum specimens are not eligible but could be submitted in the Pictorial division.
It is very important in the Nature category to correctly identify the subject for educational purposes.
Titles should identify the subject by its common name or its species name:
For example:
- Black-headed Grosbeak, not just Bird on a Branch
- White Pine Forest, not just Pine Trees
- Red Sandstone Cliffs, not just Rocks
- Puffballs, not just Mushrooms
- Jackass Penguin, not just Penguin
NOTE: Any Human Element, "hand of man" shall disqualify the image. For example: roads, houses, fences, electrical wires people , mowed grass, tool-cut wood should not be present, and the image will be disqualified.
Exceptions: Pelicans on pilings and banded birds are acceptable. Photographs of wildlife in zoos are permitted, but should not show human intervention such as the cage bars, walls, zoo straw or cut grass, etc.
Photographs depicting cultivated plants (Tulips, Daffodils, etc.), still life studies, domestic animals, mounted specimens and museum specimens are not eligible but could be submitted in the Pictorial division.
Excellent guides published by Peterson, Audubon, and National Geographic are available at most large bookstores to assist you in identifying your subject, and to learn more about it. The Nature Chairperson and some of the more experienced Nature Photographers in the Club may also be able to help. Online search is available and public libraries are an excellent source for reference material.
Excellent guides published by Peterson, Audubon, and National Geographic are available at most large bookstores to assist you in identifying your subject, and to learn more about it. The Nature Chairperson and some of the more experienced Nature Photographers in the Club may also be able to help. Online search is available and public libraries are an excellent source for reference material.
A maximum of three (3) images per competition in each of the five (5) competitions are allowed for a total of 15 submissions over the year. NO more than 10 images may be in any one category (Botany, General, Ornithology or Zoology)
Digital images should be submitted with a maximum width of 3840 pixels and a maximum height of 2160 pixels. They should be best quality .jpg. Not adhering to the guidelines of size and colour space may negatively impact quality when projected.
Submissions for each competition are due no later than Monday two (2) weeks before the competition night.
Nature submissions should be sent to: [email protected] - Please note the “1” in MCCNature1. Please refer to the Quick Reference Guide for file-naming guidelines in the four categories; B for Botany, NG for General, O for Ornithology and Z for Zoology.
Three (3) Judges will rate all the images in advance of their presentation. Images will be marked for nature value, composition, technique and impact. At the presentation evening, the judges will provide commentary on the images. All images are judged to the same standards. Monthly ribbons are awarded and annual trophies handed-out in the spring.
Please refer to the “Trophies and Definitions” section of the website to learn about eligibility for the trophies.
"Makeup entry” is defined in the Club Rules for Competitions - Link: MCC Club Rules for Competitions
A maximum of three (3) images per competition in each of the five (5) competitions are allowed for a total of 15 submissions over the year. NO more than 10 images may be in any one category (Botany, General, Ornithology or Zoology)
Digital images should be submitted with a maximum width of 3840 pixels and a maximum height of 2160 pixels. They should be best quality .jpg. Not adhering to the guidelines of size and colour space may negatively impact quality when projected.
Submissions for each competition are due no later than Monday two (2) weeks before the competition night.
Nature submissions should be sent to: [email protected] - Please note the “1” in MCCNature1. Please refer to the Quick Reference Guide for file-naming guidelines in the four categories; B for Botany, NG for General, O for Ornithology and Z for Zoology.
Three (3) Judges will rate all the images in advance of their presentation. Images will be marked for nature value, composition, technique and impact. At the presentation evening, the judges will provide commentary on the images. All images are judged to the same standards. Monthly ribbons are awarded and annual trophies handed-out in the spring.
Please refer to the “Trophies and Definitions” section of the website to learn about eligibility for the trophies.
"Makeup entry” is defined in the Club Rules for Competitions - Link: MCC Club Rules for Competitions
If you have any questions concerning the Nature Division Competitions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
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