How to label your nature images
Each part of your label is important for the ordering and scoring of your images.
It is also helpful for the organizers because properly labeled pictures make organizing easier.
Please be aware that your selection of category is what qualifies you for specific category trophies at the end of the year. It is also important to note that if you categorize your pictures as General, Ornithology,
Botany or Zoology they will all be calculated in the points for best 15 or best 12 pictures of the year.
They will be included no matter what category you put them in.
Wrongly categorized pictures may be re-categorized by judges and Chairman at the time of judging.
The following are the instructions for proper labelling
The first letter can only be O, Z, B, or G depending on the
categories of Ornithology, Zoology, Botany or General.
NOTE: Any image in Nature is disqualified if there
is any evidence of the HUMAN ELEMENT.
O_1_9999_A_Brown Pelican.jpg
A The first letter can be O for ornithology. i.e. birds only, in their natural habitat
Z_1_9999_A_Brown Pelican-Juvenile.jpg
First letter Z is Zoology. If there is a creature as the main subject, of any type from slugs, insects to bison, starfish to whales (domestic animals prohibited) (no birds allowed here)
B_1_9999_A_White Trillium.jpg
First letter B is for Botany and is used if your main subject is a specific plant, mushroom, fungi, to trees or wildflowers etc. A group of trees is not considered botany. (no cultivated plants)
G_1_9999_A_Black Brook Vermont.jpg
First letter G is General. General pictures are usually scenic type shots such as landscapes, seascapes,
or a picture of a forest scene for example where the main subject is not a specific creature or plant. (i.e. geological features in landscapes, seascapes, etc., but the title should specify the aspect of nature depicted. e.g. granite rocky mountains, glacial moraine, tidal pools, boreal forest, etc
The first number is 1, 2, or 3.
G_1_9999_A_Black Brook Vermont.jpg
Each competition, competitors can enter three images.
Simply number each picture that you enter with a different number.
The four digit number is your MCC membership number.
G_1_9999_A_Black Brook Vermont.jpg
The second letter is your classification in Nature in MCC. Be accurate because your
classification can be different for Nature, Pictorial or Print divisions.
G_1_9999_A_Black Brook Vermont.jpg
The letter represents which class you are in either A or B.
G_1_9999_A_Black Brook Vermont.jpg
The title of your picture should be explanatory not artistic.
E.g. Dawn on Cedar Lake, Vermont, not, A Glorious Sunrise at The Cottage
Or, Peregrine Falcon, Male not Large Bird
If you have any questions regarding labeling your pictures after reading this document.
contact the Nature Chairman at [email protected]